
Visitor Services
Visitor Center & Ticketing Information
email: hjvcservices
phone: (757) 856-1250

Educational Programs
Schedule a Virtual Classroom Program
email: hjeducation

Museum Store
Product and Order Inquiries
email: hjstore
phone: (757) 872-3051

Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation
Project & Donor Information
email: hjadmin
phone: (757) 229-4997 x100

Image Permissions
Licensing and Image Use Requests
email: hjadmin
phone: (757) 229-4997 x100

News & Media
News coverage & media filming requests
email: hjmedia
phone: (757) 229-4997 x124

All email addresses end with

Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation Staff

    • all email addresses end with

      Dr. James Horn, President and Chief Officer, (757) 229-4997 x101 jhorn

      Denise Kellogg, Director of Development, (757) 229-4997 x103 dkellogg
      Jamie Agnew, Development Manager, (757) 229-4997 x104 jagnew
      Dr. Emily MacIntosh, Development Writer, (757) 229-4997 x102 emacintosh
      Katie Kowicki, Office & Development Administrator, (757) 229-4997 x100 kkowicki
      Dr. Emelia Robertson, Development Writer, (757) 229-4997 x107 erobertson
      Korinne Young, Development Assistant, (757) 229-4997 x121 kyoung

      Benjamin Knowles, Senior Web & IT Specialist, bknowles
      Angel Johnston, Communications Manager, (757) 229-4997 x124 ajohnston

    • all email addresses end with

      Jamie E. May, Director of the Voorhees Archaearium Museum, (757) 229-4997 x105 jamie

      Archaearium Welcome Desk, (757) 229-9776

    • all email addresses end with

      David M. Givens, Director of Archaeology, (757) 229-4997 dgivens

      Mary Anna R. Hartley, Senior Staff Archaeologist, marhartley
      Sean Romo, Senior Staff Archaeologist, sromo
      Dr. Charles (Chuck) Durfor, Senior Staff Archaeologist / Staff Photographer, cdurfor
      Anna Shackelford, Site Supervisor, ashackelford

      Caitlin Delmas, Staff Archaeologist, cdelmas
      Natalie Reid, Staff Archaeologist / Ed Shed Manager, nreid

      Joshua Barber, Archaeological Field Technician, jbarber
      Hannah Barch, Archaeological Field Technician, hbarch
      Gabriel Brown, Archaeological Field Technician, gbrown
      Lauren (Ren) Willis, Archaeological Field Technician, lwillis

    • all email addresses end with

      Michael D. Lavin, Director of Collections & Conservation, (757) 229-4997 x109 mlavin

      Merry A. Outlaw, Senior Curator, (757) 229-4997 x108 moutlaw
      Leah Stricker, Senior Curator, lstricker
      Janene Johnston, Associate Curator, jjohnston
      Emma Derry, Associate Curator, ederry
      Lauren Stephens, Collections Assistant, lstephens

      Dan Gamble, Senior Conservator, (757) 229-4997 x112 dgamble
      Donald (Don) D. Warmke, Conservator, dwarmke
      Dr. James (Chris) Wilkins, Senior Conservator, cwilkins

    • all email addresses end with

      Willie Balderson, Director of Living History & Historic Trades, (757) 229-4997 x110 wbalderson

    • all email addresses end with

      Mark Summers, Director of Public & Youth Programs msummers

    • all email addresses end with

      Visitor Center Main Lines:

      Visitor Center Welcome Desk (757) 856-1250
      National Park Service at Historic Jamestowne (757) 856-1200

      Tempie Wade, Manager of Visitor Services, (757) 856-1259 x523 twade

      Museum Store:

      Visitor Center Museum Store (757) 872-3051

      Kira Ferro, Manager of Retail, (757) 872-3055 kferro
      Tina Minns, Operations Manager, (757) 872-3053 tminns

    • Dale House Café (757) 229-1170