Jamestown Online

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Delve into our video series, Dig Deeper, for your front-row seat to the latest archaeological discoveries and analysis. Each episode examines current research, exciting history, or unique and unusual artifacts that define Jamestown’s past. Check back each week for a new episode or subscribe to the Jamestown Rediscovery YouTube channel to be notified each time a video is added to the series.

episodes 25–36

Episode 25: Chasing the Porcelain Dragon: Seawall Excavations Yield Fascinating Artifacts
Episode 26: At Look at Edward Maria Wingfield, First President of the Virginia Colony
Episode 27: Digging Even Deeper: Answering Viewer Questions, Part 1
Episode 28: Field Mapping, GIS, and Continuity
Episode 29: Digging Even Deeper: Answering Viewer Questions, Part 2
Episode 30: What Lies Beneath James Fort on Robert Tindall’s Map of 1608?
Episode 31: 20 Years Later—New Finds at Ditch 8
Episode 32: Closing the Door on the 1640s Church Portico at Historic Jamestowne
Episode 33: A Day in the Life of the Archaeology Team
Episode 34: Digging Ditches: Excavating Features at Ditch 8
Episode 35: The Church Tower Dig, Part I: A Mysterious Fire
Episode 36: The Church Tower Dig, Part II: Telling Time with Artifacts

Episodes 1–12 | Episodes 13–24 | Episodes 25-36 | Episodes 37-48 | Episodes 49-60 | Episodes 61-68

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